100 Followers Per Day On Instagram :
Today I will share with you 5 Tricks that you can use to increase 100 followers per day on instagram. And you must know that Instagram is going to bring monitizetion features in a few days. So of course use these tricks to increase Followers. So that your instagram is monitized.
So without weasting anytime let’s get started.
Use Viral Tags :
The most useful tricks are, when uploading a post, you must use the viral tag. There are some tags that are in treand. Trends different tags for each category. So find these tags and use them in the post. These treanding tags to be daily change.
One thing to keep in mind is to use tags according to your category. Otherwise it will have a bad effect on your instagram account.
Don’t Buy Followers :
You may have noticed on instagram that many people sell followers. For example, 100 followers for 10 rupees or 1000 followers for 100 rupees. So never use this paid followers. It is better not to use it. Because these followers are BOT followers. These followers first increase and then gradually decrease after a few days. The engagement in your post is reduced. And gradually Instagram will blcaklisted your account.
Problems :
And it may be that it never gives a blue tick to your account. Or your account will never grow. Then you have to use Paid followers for all time.
Instagram’s algorithm is very smart. So if you use Paid followres then Instagram’s algorithm will catch you very easily. So save your instgram account from being blacklisted.
Convert Account To :
The third thing you need to do is convert your account from a normal account to a business account. The biggest advantage of converting a business account is that you can see the Analytics of your account. This will allow you to understand which of your posts is performing the best. What kind of post do people prefer.
And if you follow this strategy, no one will be able to stop your account from growing too fast.
Make Reels :
If you want your account to grow very quickly, then make more and more reels. Because reels are the most viral. And it also greatly increases your chances of going viral.
And if you use the trending tag and see Analytics, then no one can stop the account from growing too fast.
Another benefit of reel sharing is that you can share reel on Instagram and Facebook together if you want. Those who watch the video on Facebook will also show your video there.
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